February Prayer Week Venue

We’re back in the Prayer Room!

From Monday, 24 February to Saturday, 01 March we will dedicate ourselves again to seeking God’s face in a 24-7 Prayer Room. Committing night and day for 132 hours as a community.

A 24-7 Prayer room is a creative prayer space that enables a chain of unbroken day and night prayer, bringing friends, communities and churches together to seek the presence of God.

Ancient Celts used the phrase “thin places” to describe where the veil between heaven and earth becomes so thin that prayer flows easily, and the still, small voice of God is heard clearly.

Over and over, people report that in the presence of God, one hour feels like ten minutes.

Where is it?!

Following several amazing weeks and prayer rooms, we are so grateful to Fresh Hope Community Church for allowing us to return to their hall and takeover their space for Prayer Week.

Access is via Victoria Road, Stanford-le-Hope.

Sign Up

Watch this space for more on theme, corporate prayer, and ways you can help!

For now check your diary and book your slots.

Sign up to pray


Prayer for Schools

We have a long history of supporting and praying for our schools. Praying for God to transform individual hearts, and for just educational systems.

Each of Gable Hall, Hassenbrook and Corringham Primary are currently facing troubles with varying consequences and reactions from students, parents, and staff within our community.

As a result, tomorrow (11 December 2024), some teachers will be taking action short of strikes.

This seems like a moment where the Church needs to respond by standing in the gap to pray.

“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”
- Oswald Chambers

Join us to Pray

Tomorrow, 11 December 2024, we plan to meet via Zoom to pray for our local schools. We invite you to take part in praying for unity, peace, and prosperity.

Morning Prayer, Zoom Link

Join the 7am prayer meeting using the button below.

Evening Prayer, Zoom Link

Join the 8pm prayer meeting using the button below.

A Prayer for Gable Hall School

Originally published on this blog in July 2022

God of hope, build futures that shine and strives for the best. Builds homes-from-home in safe classrooms.

God of peace, settle minds with anxiety, knit together friendships that go the distance.

God of grace, plant desires for truth and justice; let us see the shoots of skills and the fruit of character. We pray for hearts of kindness, integrity, and humility.

God of love, we pray that the shared love and care for the youngest among us, will bind us together in unity. A unity that strengthens society.

God of wisdom, show us the way ahead.

+ For leadership and governance, bring clarity of vision in planning for the future.

+ For parents, build community that serves one another in the present.

Teach us all how to lead lives that fit our children for leadership.

We pray for the peace and prosperity of our schools; for if they prosper, so do we.


New Sunday Venue

Starting from November 2024, we will meet for Encounter Sundays and Learning Sundays at Gateway People’s Centre

We are very grateful for the welcome of Gateway People’s Centre for the use of their brilliant facility on Stanford-le-Hope’s High Street.

The growing relationship between the churches leaders has included the meeting of trustees to explore this Kingdom Partnership, and we are excited to be their guests for a six month trial.

All our meeting times and dates will remain the same.
Stay on top of when and where we meet using our
church calendar.

We hope to be a blessing to GPC while we are their guests.

  1. Please pray for them

    Pray generous prayers of blessing, the kind that you would pray for Proxmity Church, or your own family.

    Lord, may Your presence rest upon this church. As they serve with loving hearts, fill them with Your peace and guide their every step in faithful witness to You. Amen.

  2. Be gracious guests

    Please be mindful and attentive that we are guests in their home.

    Taking extra care to be tidy, clean and respectful of the space that we are given.


Gateway People’s Centre
2 High Street
SS17 0EY


If you will travel by car, parking is free and unlimited on the High Street and surrounding roads on a Sunday.

There is limited accessible parking behind the venue. Entrance via Central Road.

Operation Christmas Child

This year, we aim to fill and complete a range of shoeboxes as Christmas presents for young people from around the world.

It is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, personal care items, school supplies, and fun gifts.

We will be packing shoeboxes for boys and girls within the age ranges of:

  • 2-4 years

  • 5-9 years

  • 10-14 years

If you would like to take part in packing, please join us on:
Sunday, 27 October 2024 - 14:00 to 16.30pm at the Riddles’ house

If you would like to purchase and donate some items for us to pack into the shoeboxes, this would be appreciated. Please see the list of items suggested for each age group.

Giving to the appeal

Each box will also need a £5 donation. If would like to donate, please:

  1. Follow this link

  2. Make your donation (by Sunday, 27 October 2024)

  3. Then forward the barcode(s) you receive to Emma Riddle
    This will be attached to a shoebox and you will be able to track its path.

If you have questions, please contact Emma Riddle.

W: Witnesses and Disciple Makers

How do we prepare and position ourselves to grow?

We believe God is inviting Proximity Church to GROW, both in depth and size. Considering this, we are asking ourselves 'how can we best prepare and position ourselves"? 

We landed on:
G: give generously
R: rooted in The God Story
O: one family, many homes
W: witnesses and disciple makers 

We have been covering each of these areas with clear invitations and ways to respond in turn. This is our final week where we conclude by reviewing W:witnesses and disciple makers.

A word of encouragement given to Proximity Church, from Alain Emerson: "I see your house doubling in size. God is growing your family" (Aug 2024).

Our dream for Proximity Church is that each one of us is active in being a witness and making disciples. Here is a challenge... what if the way we grow, both in size and depth, all of us discipled one-person a year to be a follower of Jesus? Sounds easy but radical!

Be my witnesses

In the book of Acts, Jesus instructs his disciples to bear witness to Him in their hometown, surrounding towns/villages and the ends of the earth. This is a reframing of the Genesis command to be fruitful, multiply and subdue the whole earth. Jesus is once again focusing on a people (the church) to carry His blessing, presence and promise to all nations.

Being a witness has two parts. First, on a personal level, it means sharing what you've seen, heard, and experienced about Jesus. It involves living in a way that reflects Him—being different from the culture, speaking truth, and showing the Holy Spirit's power in your life.

Second, as a church, it means showing Jesus to the world by working together as His hands and feet. By our love for each other the world will know we are His followers.

Make Disciples

Christie and I have felt stirred for some time around discipleship and what this looks like for Proximity Church. The bible is very clear, to be a disciple of Jesus means making disciples. And so, the natural but confronting question for each one of us is… who am I discipling?

Throughout his life Jesus demonstrated to us that real discipleship looks like giving yourself wholly to a few. He invested in a small group of people that eventually were to change the whole world. Jesus taught scripture, but he also ate with the disciples, travelled with them, prophesied over them, and most crucially loved them deeply.

Discipleship is not necessarily about inviting people to church, rather it looks like taking people into your heart, studying the bible, sharing life, and committing yourself to another. The reward? That perhaps those individuals will do the same for another, and we see multiplication of discipleship in Stanford, the surrounding towns and ends of the earth.


There are two ways we want to challenge you to be "witnesses and disciple makers":

  1. Who are you already witnessing to? Could you take this a step further, invite them to meet you to read the bible and pray together? To eat with you, your family etc.

  2. If you don't have someone, could you be consistent in praying that God will reveal someone to you?

There are lots of courses, apps, plans, books to help you read scriptures and pray with those new to faith and of no faith. We are compiling a list of resources that we will share in due course. But don't let this delay your reaching out to others, please do get in touch if you would like any help to get you started.

Relevant Teaching

O: One Family, Many Homes

How do we prepare and position ourselves to grow?

We believe God is inviting Proximity Church to GROW, both in depth and size. Considering this, we are asking ourselves 'how can we best prepare and position ourselves"? 

We landed on:
G: give generously
R: rooted in The God Story
O: one family, many homes
W: witnesses and disciple makers 

We are going to cover each of these areas with clear invitations and ways to respond in turn. This week we review O: One Family, many homes.

A word of encouragement given to Proximity Church, by 24-7 Prayer Team: "you are going to grow this year. Growth can be challenging but it is also natural" (Feb 2024).

Growth is a challenge

Multiplication is at the heart of the gospel. The compelling story of Jesus is radically and beautifully embracing of others. Nevertheless, growth is inevitably a challenge. It can be uncomfortable; it is unfamiliar and stretches our ability to love one another. As we grow, it will require an openness to embrace difference. In this season, there may be ways we are reshaped to make space for others to join our family - which might feel like a sacrifice.

Gathered and Scattered

"They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God… Every day their number grew" Acts 2: 46-47.

We place high value on the celebration of the dinner table, a primary way we express this is through House Churches. As we increase in number; we feel House Churches will be even more significant. They are precious times of God encounters, where we are small enough to maintain relational depth and to ensure everyone can be seen and heard.

You just don't get the same levels of closeness in the large.

However, like the early church, we also place great significance on times we gather as one big family. Encounter Sunday (amongst other key calendar events e.g. Christmas, baptisms etc) are times where we get to experience the 'exuberant and joyful' celebration of all being together in one place.

As we grow, we feel that our structure of House Church, Encounter and Learning Sundays will enable growth both in size but also (crucially) in depth.


Important to note as we grow: Safeguarding

As we grow, it is imperative we have culture of safeguarding.

Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility in Proximity Church. If you hear, see, or even feel concerned regarding a child or adult at a Church event it is imperative that you share that information with the right people.

Recording and Reporting

You can do this by: reporting concerns to our Designating Safeguarding Lead (Charlotte Harman) or our Deputy Safeguarding Lead (Joyce Gjoni) and reporting your concern on our safeguarding portal.

(If you want this to be kept confidential, you can opt for this on the portal).

Safeguarding Training

We are running safeguarding training via Zoom on: Tuesday 22nd October 2024 and Sunday 27th October 2024 for all adults in the church.

We would ask you make every effort to attend one of these training sessions; to ensure we have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to ensure safeguarding within Proximity Church.


There are two further ways we want to challenge one another to be "one family, many homes":

  1. If Proximity Church is to grow, how might God want you to be a part of that? Do you have a dream, vision or desire to do something? Do please let the Leaders know.

  2. If Proximity Church is to grow, would you be willing to embrace this challenge? Consider what that might require of you, your family. Are there people in your sphere of influence that could reach out to, share Jesus with? Let your heart grow for?

Relevant Teaching

R: Rooted in The God Story

How do we prepare and position ourselves to grow?

Recap: We believe God is inviting Proximity Church to GROW, both in depth and size. Considering this, we are asking ourselves 'how can we best prepare and position ourselves"? 

We landed on:

  • G: give generously

  • R: rooted in The God Story

  • O: one family, many homes

  • W: witnesses and disciple makers 

We are going to cover each of these areas with clear invitations and ways to respond in turn. This week we review R: Rooted in The God Story

The God Story: is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story to help you move from the familiar to the fascinated.

Why this teaching?

"Each one of our lives is a unique and unrepeatable creation. Each one of our stories is precious and worthy of being told, shared and experienced. Yet none of our stories make sense in isolation, disconnected from a wider plot. Our personal stories only truly find meaning when they are linked to the very source of our lives and the unfolding drama into which we were born."

Authors of “The God Story”: Alain Emerson and Adam Cox

The God Story is a core teaching for Proximity Church. Taking time to journey through the overarching narrative of God throughout the Bible has been hugely significant. It has fundamentally formed our identity and sharpened our calling both as individuals and as a church family. As we deepen our roots in the biblical narrative, we discover that the story is still being written, through the Church, 'on earth as it is in Heaven'.

How will this work?

We will be following a book 'The God Story' by Adam Cox & Alain Emerson as we gather for 'Learning Sundays'. Adam and Alain are our dear friends and key leaders in the 24-7 Prayer movement.

Important Calendar Changes

Moving forward we will rearrange the calendar so that both Family Learning and Learning Sundays take place simultaneously. There are many benefits we see to this coming together.

Due to the logistics of venue and calendars this means two important shifts:

  1. Learning Sundays will take place on the 3rd Sunday of the month;
    Starting from 20th October 2024

  2. Learning will begin at 2pm for coffee, teaching at 2.30pm and finishing at 3.45pm.


There are two further ways we want to challenge one another to be "rooted in The God Story":

  1. We are encouraging everyone to devote themselves daily to reading the Bible.
    Join in together as we trace the narrative of scripture, plan will be sent out shortly.

  2. We are developing 'Story Dwellers'. Groups with space for further study.
    If you would like to be a part of this, please follow this link.

More info

  • Everything you need to know about The God Story, including where to Buy the Book: The God Story

  • Follow 'The God Story' podcast hosted by Adam Cox & Alain Emerson: https://tr.ee/2oHmeYg_D6

"...I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it?" Isaiah 43:19

Relevant Teaching

G: Give Generously

How do we prepare and position ourselves to grow?

At Encounter Sunday we gathered for Family Business. It was a fantastic afternoon of worship, celebrating all God has done, hearing stories and dreaming for our future.

Taking on your feedback, listening to the Leadership Team, gathering prophetic words and input from the 24-7 Prayer Network; we set a new vision for Proximity Church.

We believe God is inviting Proximity Church to GROW, both in depth and size as a Church family.

In light of this, we asked ourselves 'how can we prepare and position ourselves" for growth? 

We landed on:

  • G: give generously

  • R: rooted in The God Story

  • O: one family, many homes

  • W: witnesses and disciple makers 

We are going to cover each of these with clear invitations and ways to respond in turn. Starting with G: Give Generously

"to feed, to clothe, to host, to care, to serve" [Matthew 25:25]

Building/Prayer Room

We currently hire a meeting space at Hassenbrook Academy, this has been a blessing but there are limitations of access (during school times), facilities (no kitchen) and room (we currently just about fit on Encounter Sundays). We also hire Dry Street Prayer Room, however, there are also limitations of access (day-light, need a car), temperature (no heating) etc. As a result, the Prayer Room lease will be paused until Spring time.

Our vision would be to have a space and base for Proximity Church, that we could have regular access to, that had a prayer room, that we could use for larger meetings, mid-week groups, and to reach the community from.

Church Economy

However, to grow, we need to develop our church economy. As it stands, our income does not match our outgoings, we are facing a projected £268 monthly deficit. We currently have reserves that cover this shortfall. But to step into these bigger visions and dreams, we will need to see our income increase too.


  1. If you don't give to Proximity Church, could you consider giving?

  2. If you already give, could you consider increasing your giving?

How to give?

  • A regular monthly standing order is the most helpful. It enables the Leadership Team and Trustees to budget for the future

  • The easiest way to give is Via Stewardship. And you are able claim Gift-Aid.

  • You can give via cash or direct debit, please ask for these details

Relevant Teaching

Summer House Meals 2024

Enjoying summer evenings together.

In August, as many of us take the opportunity to holiday and take breaks from work, we are pausing our usual House Church rhythms. Instead we’ll enjoy the summer together across three evenings.

The three hosts will create a relaxed environment to eat together and be family together.

You are welcome to join in.

For each night you would like to attend, you will be required to book in, including each member of your household and any dietary requirements.

Please see the event pages for locations, booking in, and sign-up deadlines.

On booking, your host may contact you with more information or ways you can contribute.

Thu, 08 August

Charl & Christie’s

Thu, 15 August

Sally & Robb’s


Wed, 21 August

Gemma & James’

Wed, 28 August

Ymkje & Dan’s

The God Story

Encounter the unfailing love of God in the unfolding narrative of scripture.

Each one of our lives is a unique and unrepeatable creation. Each one of our stories is precious and worthy of being told, shared and experienced. Yet none of our stories make sense in isolation, disconnected from a wider plot. Our personal stories only truly find meaning when they are linked to the very source of our lives and the unfolding drama into which we were born.

The God Story is a compelling and creative retelling of the biblical story, looking at God’s overarching and awe-inspiring plans for humanity as laid out in Scripture.

Learning Sundays

We’ll be using this book to inspire our study in the next year, particularly on Learning Sundays.

More details to follow.

About the Authors

Our friends, Alain Emerson and Adam Cox – two leaders of the 24-7 Prayer movement – developed the content of The God Story over the last twenty years in their own local church contexts (Alain in Lurgan, Northern Ireland and Adam in Kansas City, Missouri), preaching and discipling their communities in the biblical narrative.

LISTEN: Alain Emerson speaks to Proximity Church on Justice, November 2020

Theology Sessions Venue Change: April 2024

We are spending the first part of 2024, dedicating ourselves to some core foundations of the early Church. To dwell in the New Testament and dig a little deeper into the gospel of Christ (kerygma) and the teachings of his earliest disciples (didache).

More on Learning in 2024

This month Drew Caldwell from 24-7 Prayer Lebanon will share with us an incredible special teaching on ‘Missiology’. Exploring key questions like:

  • What was life like for the early church?

  • If the Jews had strict customs and laws to set themselves apart ,how did the early church life a distinctive life?


We usually meet at Hassenbrook Academy. This month - very fittingly - we will meet in homes. We will still meet at 2.30pm but this is an important message we want to sit with and chew over as House Churches (HC).


•⁠ ⁠Riddles’ House: Wednesday HC (Stanford-le-Hope) & Thursday HC (Vange)

•⁠ ⁠Gjonis’ House: Thursday HC (Corringham) & Wednesday HC (Corringham)

•⁠ ⁠Peters’ House: Thursday Daytime HC

If you are new to Proximity Church, or under where to go, please contact Charl Harman: charlotte.harman@proximitychurch.co.uk

About Drew Caldwell

Our dear friend Drew will be dialling in from the Middle East. He’ll bring us teaching from his own learning and experience as a missionary. Over 15 years ago, Drew, with his wife Mary, and three daughters, moved from Tulsa, USA to live and work in Beirut, Lebanon.

'The Gathering' Tickets on Sale!

You’re invited to a birthday party like no other!

At his year's 24-7 Prayer international Gathering, we'll be celebrating 25 years since the launch of the first ever 24-7 Prayer room - and 25 years of unbroken prayer across the globe.

Our Gatherings are always an opportunity to pray, worship and learn together, but this year is special. This year we'll be celebrating the significant journey that's brought us here, and we'll be looking ahead to how God is inviting us to partner with him, to build his kingdom in our nations and in our world.

For 25 years, the vision has been Jesus.

Join us as we seek his presence together and look to the future.

24-7 Prayer Events


The Gathering

31 Oct - 02 Nov 2024

Come, and celebrate the God of the immeasurably more. Whether you’ve been part of this global movement for 25 years, or one day.

Wildfires Festival

23 - 26 Aug 2024

Where friends from different streams, churches and communities come together to seek God and fan into flame the next Great Awakening.