Today we pray for Gable Hall School, and schools in our area.
For all that it takes to be a school
For young people, teachers, parents, administrators, staff, and volunteers.
God of hope, build futures that shine and strives for the best. Builds homes-from-home in safe classrooms.
God of peace, settle minds with anxiety, knit together friendships that go the distance.
God of grace, plant desires for truth and justice; let us see the shoots of skills and the fruit of character. We pray for hearts of kindness, integrity, and humility.
God of love, we pray that the shared love and care for the youngest among us, will bind us together in unity. A unity that strengthens society.
God of wisdom, show us the way ahead.
+ For leadership and governance, bring clarity of vision in planning for the future.
+ For parents, build community that serves one another in the present.
Teach us all how to lead lives that fit our children for leadership.
We pray for the peace and prosperity of our schools; for if they prosper, so do we.