We have a long history of supporting and praying for our schools. Praying for God to transform individual hearts, and for just educational systems.
Each of Gable Hall, Hassenbrook and Corringham Primary are currently facing troubles with varying consequences and reactions from students, parents, and staff within our community.
As a result, tomorrow (11 December 2024), some teachers will be taking action short of strikes.
This seems like a moment where the Church needs to respond by standing in the gap to pray.
“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.”
- Oswald Chambers
Join us to Pray
Tomorrow, 11 December 2024, we plan to meet via Zoom to pray for our local schools. We invite you to take part in praying for unity, peace, and prosperity.
Morning Prayer, Zoom Link
Join the 7am prayer meeting using the button below.
Evening Prayer, Zoom Link
Join the 8pm prayer meeting using the button below.
A Prayer for Gable Hall School
Originally published on this blog in July 2022
God of hope, build futures that shine and strives for the best. Builds homes-from-home in safe classrooms.
God of peace, settle minds with anxiety, knit together friendships that go the distance.
God of grace, plant desires for truth and justice; let us see the shoots of skills and the fruit of character. We pray for hearts of kindness, integrity, and humility.
God of love, we pray that the shared love and care for the youngest among us, will bind us together in unity. A unity that strengthens society.
God of wisdom, show us the way ahead.
+ For leadership and governance, bring clarity of vision in planning for the future.
+ For parents, build community that serves one another in the present.
Teach us all how to lead lives that fit our children for leadership.
We pray for the peace and prosperity of our schools; for if they prosper, so do we.