Easter is really special time in our calendar. We love to celebrate as family in Holy Week, from Thursday to Sunday. Here’s an overview of how we’ll be celebrating this year.
Maundy Thursday
Passover Meal
For 10 years, we have celebrated Passover with a scripted family meal. Following the same pattern and rhythm that Jews, Messianic Jews and Christians are following around the world.
We eat great food, drink plenty of wine, read from the bible, and remember the Israelites escape from Egypt coupled with the Last supper that Jesus shared with his disciples.
Sign up to attend a Passover meal.
All those in attendance may be asked to contribute to the meal in some way.
Good Friday
Re-telling the Story
Every year we mark Good Friday by reading the Gospel accounts of the Easter story up to Jesus' death.
We take the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and weave them together chronologically, taking turns to read verses aloud. There is repetition. There are mistakes. But we go with it.
Family Re-telling
There is also an extra re-telling for families with young children.
Holy Saturday
Day of Prayer
On Saturday, we find ourselves trapped between the pain of Good Friday and the miracle of Easter Sunday.
We’ve put together Five Ways to Engage with Holy Saturday, including 24 hours of prayer.
Easter Sunday
Sunrise / Breakfast
He is risen.
Join the Church of Stanford/Corringham for a Sunrise service at One Tree Hill.
Then join us for Easter Breakfast at Hassenbrook Academy.
Listen back to this extract from God Story 2019 for an overview of the Easter Story and to prepare yourself for all that Easter brings.