Encounter Sunday - October 2021

We are really looking forward to Encounter this month!

It's important to note that some of us love being back together in-person and for others of us, it comes with some anxieties.

Following last months Encounter, we have made a few adjustments. We hope this will help us all to prepare and feel as safe as possible.

We will sit in café style church, for the whole morning.

We love this idea for creating a greater sense of welcome, family and hospitality... we also love it as it will help us to keep social distancing and a level of order. It's a win, win!


  • Everyone will be seated with SIX to every table.

  • Your lunch will be served to the table

  • The food will have serving spoons/utensils (please use them, not your fingers)

  • We will have metal cutlery and real plates so boxes of washing up will need to be taken home. This will save the planet and cash. House Churches will be asked to do this.

  • All food will be served in recyclable and microwaveable pots (with lids). You can take home any leftovers. This will help reduce our food waste.

Any unopened drinks we can use for the next Encounter so please don't take home. Please be ready to wipe down your tablecloth after the meal with paper towel and spray.

Crockery and Cutlery

Monday and Tuesday House Church will be taking the boxes of dirties home with them. All boxes can be returned to Robb and Sally's. At the side of their shed, in the front garden, they have three boxes where Encounter plates etc are stored. Please ask your HC Leader for the code to the boxes.

Welcome Table

On the door you will be welcomed by a lovely team. First, you will be asked to sanitise your hands. Then you will asked if you would like a GREEN or RED sticker. RED means you would like to remain socially distanced from others - at all times. GREEN means you are OK to be closer to others and if you wish to hug.

Sanitation Station

There will be anti-bac, hand-towels and sanitiser available for all your sanitation needs. Please use as you feel.


We are going to keep windows and doors open so please bring an extra layer just in case!

We hope these actions will enable us to have the most precious time together.... looking forward to seeing you all!!

Encounter Sunday: BACK TOGETHER!

We are so looking forward to our first inside Encounter since March 2020! For some of us, this can't come soon enough and for others, tomorrow comes with some trepidation.

If you are not ready to meet in-person, we will still be online via Zoom.

For everyone then, we wanted to get really practical. We hope this will help you to prepare and feel as safe as possible.

Here are some actions to note

Welcome Team

On the door you will be welcomed by a lovely team. First, you will be asked to sanitise your hands. Then you will asked if you would like a GREEN or RED sticker. RED means you would like to remain socially distanced from others - at all times. GREEN means you are ok to be closer to others and if you wish hug.


We will have set seating but this will be more spaced out than normal. Furthermore, for those wishing to remain socially distanced, you can pick a chair from the welcome desk and place it where you feel most comfortable in the hall.


Sally and her team are preparing individual food packages for you. Ensuring there will be minimal handling of these packages. This will be a delicious light but warm lunch!


We are going to keep windows and doors open so please bring an extra layer just in case!

Sanitation Station

There will be anti-bac, hand-towels and sanitiser available for all your sanitation needs. Please use as you feel.

We hope these actions will enable us all to have the most precious of celebrations tomorrow. Cannot wait to raise a 'hallelujah' with you all!

Encounter: July 2021

The latest change to the government’s roadmap out of lockdown has changed our plans too.

We are still hoping that July's Encounter Sunday will be our first larger in-person gathering. This will likely look like an outdoor meeting in garden(s).

Everyone’s feelings towards this will be different.

If you are interested in joining us without the magic of the internet, please sign up using the link below, we’d love to see you.

More detailed information, including how we will do this safely, will follow once we can gauge how many people will be gathering.

For those that would still rather not meet in-person, we will look to live-stream the meeting online.