Encounter Sunday (with Olivia Barker White)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Olivia Barker White)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, we welcome Olivia Barker White to Encounter Sunday.

About Olivia Barker White

Olivia is the founder and CEO of Kids Club Kampala, a children’s charity with a Christian ethos working in Uganda, East Africa. With a background in International Development, Olivia is passionate about reducing global poverty and empowering others to make a difference in the world. Olivia won the Global Champion Award at the Cosmopolitan Ultimate Women of the Year Awards in December 2013 for her work.

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Encounter Sunday (with Steve Morris)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Steve Morris)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, Steve Morris joins us at to Encounter Sunday.

About Steve Morris

Steve has been a companion of Proximity Church for many, many years. He took a regular prayer slot in the prayer room, as a leader of a local church. Stayed at 217 with his family, as a launch pad for their move to South Africa - where they were integral to the growth of The Sozo Foundation. And has always checked in with us along the way.

Now back in Kent, UK, Steve is on our Board of Trustees. We so appreciate his wisdom and clarity of thought.

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Encounter Sunday (with Charlie Kang)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Charlie Kang)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, we welcome Charlie Kang to Encounter Sunday.

About Charlie Kang

Charlie Kang is a multi-disciplinary artist exploring new-monastic living at Waverley Abbey. His work focuses on creating environments that foster a deeper connection with God through prayer and service.

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Encounter Sunday (with Sim Dendy)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Sim Dendy)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, we welcome Sim Dendy to Encounter Sunday.

About Sim Dendy

Sim Dendy has been a church leader for over 20 years, and is the Senior Leader at Freedom Church in Romsey. Sim helps to pull together the growing network of churches in the 24-7 Prayer network across Great Britain.

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Encounter Sunday (with Roger Ellis)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Roger Ellis)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, Roger Ellis joins us at Encounter Sunday.

About Roger Ellis

Roger works to oversee the different churches and communities who form the 24-7 Boiler Room Network, like Proximity Church! He is also responsible for 24-7’s leadership pathway. Roger is an entrepreneurial leader and mentor, who is also on the board of Westminster Theological Centre and a leader in Revelation Family Church, Chichester. He’s married to Maggie and they have two adult children.

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Encounter Sunday (with Jazz Crowne)
2:30 PM14:30

Encounter Sunday (with Jazz Crowne)

Our monthly Sunday service. Everyone in one space, encountering God as family.

This month, Jazz Crowne joins us at Encounter Sunday.

About Jazz Crowne

Jazz has a background in mental health nursing and a post graduate degree in Theology and Religious Studies from King’s College London.

She has worked in the third sector establishing peer support groups for people who hear voices and is passionate about the intersection of social justice and mental health, and the impact of spirituality on human flourishing.

Jazz has an MA in counselling from Waverley Abbey College, and before taking up her role as Associate Pastor at Emmaus Rd Aldershot, she worked for the NHS in prisons as a trauma therapist working with people in detention settings who have experienced complex trauma.

Jazz continues to practice as BACP registered therapist, and loves nothing more than drinking coffee and smiling at dogs.

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Stories from the Harvest - Russell Godward
2:30 PM14:30

Stories from the Harvest - Russell Godward

Learning 2024: Theology Sessions

In Acts chapter two, we see a picture of the early church after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension - these are words we have held to and pursued:

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
Acts 2:42 (NIVUK)

So, what was the apostles’ teaching?

We are going to spend the first part of 2024, dedicating ourselves to some core foundations of the early Church. To dwell in the New Testament and dig a little deeper into the gospel of Christ (kerygma) and the teachings of his earliest disciples (didache).

This month, we will hear from Russell Godward, as he shares personal stories, bible teaching and equips us with tools to effectively share Jesus and make disciples who make disciples.

Then [Jesus] said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ (Matthew 9)

LISTEN: Drew Caldwell - Missiology

Using simple bible-based teaching Russell will draw out proven ways that as Jesus followers we can pray, disciple, and multiply disciples in our town.

About Russell Godward

Russell is a great friend of Proximity Church. He is married to Janet, and they have a fantastic family, including our grandchildren. Russell spent 20 years as a senior pastor in Stanford-le-Hope, and has since focussed his life on the vision of #NoPlaceLeft across the UK. He is still local but travels across the country, and around the world, to equip the Church to see a multiplication of new disciples and churches - everywhere!


Our Learning sessions are now at Hassenbrook Academy.

Find all the info you need here.

Zoom Learning

If for any reason you are self-isolating, or unable to be with us at Hassenbrook, you can join us on Zoom. All our learning in 2024 will also be recorded for Proximity Church Podcast.

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The Very Good Gospel - Lucy Hill
2:30 PM14:30

The Very Good Gospel - Lucy Hill

God once declared everything in the world very good.

Lucy Hill will return to Proximity Church to carefully explore what the Bible says “very good” can look like today, even after the Fall.

Because despite our anxious minds, despite division and threats of violence, God’s vision remains: Wholeness for a hurting world. Peace for a fearful soul.

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Sunday Worship
8:00 PM20:00

Sunday Worship

We are going to try something new.

On Sunday nights from 17 September 2023, we will incorporate dedicated worship times into FIVE by FIVE.

This is open to everyone.

We are excited to see how this blend of worship and word will come together!

All Worship evenings will be hosted at Dry Street Memorial Church, One Tree Hill, Basildon SS16 5FP

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Sunday Worship
8:00 PM20:00

Sunday Worship

We are going to try something new.

On Sunday nights from 17 September 2023, we will incorporate dedicated worship times into FIVE by FIVE.

This is open to everyone.

We are excited to see how this blend of worship and word will come together!

All Worship evenings will be hosted at Dry Street Memorial Church, One Tree Hill, Basildon SS16 5FP

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Sunday Worship
8:00 PM20:00

Sunday Worship

We are going to try something new.

On Sunday nights from 17 September 2023, we will incorporate dedicated worship times into FIVE by FIVE.

This is open to everyone.

We are excited to see how this blend of worship and word will come together!

All Worship evenings will be hosted at Dry Street Memorial Church, One Tree Hill, Basildon SS16 5FP

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Joe Gisbey - The Cost of Worship
11:00 AM11:00

Joe Gisbey - The Cost of Worship

  • 1st Corringham Scout Group (map)
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Holy Spirit 2023

24-7 Prayer’s Roger Ellis gave us a word last year about moving in the spirit; something that is not just for the Prayer Room, or our meetings - it pours into out communities.

So throughout 2023, we will make the Holy Spirit the focus of our study. To breathe Her in, explore Her depths and encounter Her presence.

Charl tells us more about Learning in 2023

This month we welcome back our friend Joe Gisbey!

LISTEN: Joe Gisbey from the Archive

About Joe Gisbey

Having been dramatically healed and set free in his teens, Joe is passionate about seeing people made whole and the Kingdom of God break out around the world. He lives in Littlehampton on the South Coast of England, with his wife Carolina and their four children.

In 2009 Joe and his family moved to South America to plant a church and various social development projects among the urban poor in the capital city of Bogota, Colombia. After his return in 2013, he later rejoined the Links International team and became CEO in April of 2017.

Joe also works as part of the Core Leadership Team of Arun Church and teaches extensively both within his home church and churches around the UK.


Our Learning sessions are now at 1st Corringham Scout Group.

Find all the info you need here.

Zoom Learning

If for any reason you are self-isolating, or unable to be with us at 1st Corringham Scout Group, you can join us on Zoom. All our learning in 2023 will also be recorded for Proximity Church Podcast.

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