Sowing Seeds into Dust

This is the first Prayer Focus. A short thought and devotion to help us follow what God is saying to us, as a church and individuals; and respond to it through prayer.

On Tuesday 18 October 2022, we heard from a new contributor to Lectio 365, James Aladiran. He has been speaking about going deeper in prayer. His subject was Elijah, an incredible man of prayer through whom God held back the rain for three and a half years in Israel.

LISTEN: Lectio 365, 18 October 2022

Quite insightfully, he said this:

‘After three and a half years of no rain, Elijah prayed again, the rain came, and the earth produced crops. This implies that the farmers were willing to sow seeds in the dust while there was no rain, believing that one day the rain would come. Prayer sometimes can feel like this -as if I’m sowing seeds in the dust. Physically, it feels as if nothing is happening, but in fact that’s not the case spiritually. I want to have seeds in the ground when the rain comes.’

I find that really inspiring. Let us be prepared to sow seeds of prayer continually, which we sow into what may seem the dust of family, friends, communities and other spheres of interest; and faithfully believe that the rain will one day be released.

Prayer and Reflection

Who are the people that you keep turning to God to pray for?
Ask God, once again, to move in their lives and reveal himself to them.

Lord, we trust you to grow the seeds that we can think lay dormant, knowing that You are the only one that can turn all that potential into fullness of life. Amen.
