“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down”
Rend the Heavens
The hiddenness of God is both a profound mystery and also a great comfort to all His people.
Sometimes we feel confused and restless, wrestling to see His face in the dark, like Jacob did, or wanting to see the solutions to our problems clearly.
And yet, God often hides His face - on purpose!
He calls on us to search for Him, to find Him and discover that He is our rock, our refuge and our hiding place.
It is in the secret place that we truly see Him as He is.
This prayer week we invited to learn to rest in God, find home in Him, His promises and His blessings, knowing that mysteries await us.
NB. You may still book prayer slots during the hours marked ‘Yoga’ and ‘Coffee Morning’ but the kitchen will be inaccessible.
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“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust’”
The Prayer Room
Every slot will be in the Prayer Room at Dry Street Memorial Church.
All the details on which are here.
There are 100 available slots in this week, if we all take two slots each, we’ll easily fill the week! Take this as an excuse to stretch yourself and make/find extra time to pray.
Corporate Prayer
We’ll make space to prayer and worship together on Friday, 01 March 2024.
Meeting at Hassenbrook Academy from 7:30-9:00 PM