Charl made this announcement about Proximity Schools at Encounter Sunday, June 2023.

Important Announcement: Proximity Schools

For more than 13 years, Proximity Church have been dedicated to praying for and in our schools.

Today, Proximity Schools works with 80 young people through a well developed programme, delivered expertly by a staff team of six, and many volunteers. God has led us further in prayer, mission, and justice then we ever thought possible. He has been so faithful, so generous, and moved in power.

Together, the leaders and trustees have decided that Proximity Schools, in it’s current form, will not continue in the new school year (2023/24).

The story so far

A prayer week for Schools in Stanford and Corringham, turned into pioneering Prayer Spaces in Schools across our town, and a whole-church response to a double-sided offer of how we could bless Gable Hall.

And so began an adventure with after school Cafés, 1:1 mentoring, sitting in French lessons, a Chaplaincy team, God Story in two schools, TLG Mentoring, inspiring global visitors, reading, writing and franchising the MADE Course, developing wellbeing workshops, hosting Assemblies… the list goes on.

The story continues

We are so grateful for all that God has done, choosing to partner with us to serve the most in-need families. And it has been so amazing to do it together, thank you for serving, praying, and giving to this work.

Our journey as Proximity Schools is well worth celebrating, and so we are planning a party to do just that. Worshipping a God who is not finished with this place, or with us.