Rule of Life: Creativity - Peter Burton
Red Moon Still Rising - Roger Ellis
Rule of Life: Creativity - Matt Long
Giving and Generosity - Phil Anderson
Rule of Life: Justice - Scot & Misty Bower
Please note: The original recording has been edited to remove some stories.
The Holy Spirit in the World - Charl Harman
Rule of Life: Justice - Dr Ruth Valerio
Find links for where to buy all of Dr Ruth Valerio’s books, including:
L is for Lifestyle
Just Living
Saying Yes to Life
on her website:
The Holy Spirit in the Church - Jon Biddle
Rule of Life: Mission - Katy & Richard Smith
The Holy Spirit in Me - Rosemary Pritchard
Rule of Life: Mission - Joe Gisbey
A Prayer for Ukraine - Sally Harman
Prayer for Ukraine
Sally leads us in an emotional prayer for Ukraine, with the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Keep Praying
Read Psalm 91, in prayer for the people of Ukraine.
Re-visit Lectio 365 from 25 February 2022
LECTIO 365, 25 February
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Pray with 24-7 Prayer
A Prayer for the Crisis in Ukraine
Global Day of Prayer
Participation in the Spirit - Christie Harman
Rule of Life: Prayer - Jill Weber
Rule of Life - Phil Anderson
Explore the history and re-establishing of The Order of the Mustard Seed, in Phil’s book “The Lord of the Ring”